A Place in Life
Valerie Bonham
At a time when there is an increasing interest
in women's studies and Victorian social history, this book provides
an important insight into both. Here we see women in an age very
different from our own, at opposite ends of the social scale
- prostitutes, alcoholics, the abused and down trodden who had
nowhere to go, and no one to turn to; and the ladies, often from
privileged backgrounds, who in the early days of the Tractarian
or Oxford Movement became Sisters of Mercy in order to minister
to these outcasts.
The background to all this is the Victorian
Church of England, which was itself being awakened by the teachings
of the Tractarians. We are given a vivid portrait of a church
where doctrinal controversy and conflict were commonplace, and
where, as in society generally, social class was an important
factor. Here we meet men like Gladstone, Archbishop Tait, Bishop
Samuel Wilberforce and countless clergy famous in their day.
But while they have an important place in this book it is the
women who take centre stage. Early Religious such as Lydia Sellon,
Elizabeth Lockhart, Marion Hughes and Mother Kate of Haggerston
all play a part, as do secular women such as Elizabeth Herbert
and Catherine Gladstone. Mariquita Tennant, the forgotten pioneer
of the rescue work at Clewer is brought out of obscurity. But
it is Harriet Monsell, Mother Foundress of the Community of St
John Baptist, who became the guiding force at Clewer, and who
is the focal point of this book. With strength of character,
firmness of faith, an infectious sense of humour, a gift for
listening, and a magnetism which none could resist, Harriet Monsell
was one of the greatest women of her day.
Only now, in a church which is slowly acknowledging
the role of women is their contribution to the work of the Oxford
Movement being recognised. Yet it is true to say that Sisterhoods
formed the first flowering of that Movement. They not only gave
to Victorian women an effective means of mission and ministry,
but also restored to English church life an element which had
been lost for 300 years.
"A vivid picture of the development
of one of the outstanding Anglican Communities of the nineteenth
century Harriet Monsell emerges as one of the outstanding figures
of the nineteenth century Church of England." A.M. Allchin.
Includes 31 black and white photographs,
304 pages, paperback, indexed.
Price in Sterling £10.95 plus P&P
ISBN No. 0 9508710 2 8
Please click here for availability
Community of St John Baptist Publications
See also:
A Joyous Service: The Clewer Sisters
and Their Work
Sisters of the Raj: The Clewer Sisters
in India