See also
Terrace Names
by Name
in Alphabetical Order

Rather than numbers in a street,
houses were often addressed just by their terrace name.
This plaque is Bedford Terrace
in Bolton Road.
In Victorian times addresses often comprised
just an individual's name, the terrace in which the house was
situated or the house name itself and town name. For example,
Mrs Painter could have her mail addressed to Mrs Painter, Adelaide
Cottages, Windsor, Berkshire. There might be a street name too,
but this was not always the case.
This of course was difficult for the
postman who would have no clue as to the whereabouts of the house
in a particular road, but with few letters to deliver and a degree
of local knowledge, he managed to get everything delivered to
the right individual on most occasions.
With the advent of house numbers, the
names of small groups of houses such as cottages and terraces
fell out of use such that it is now difficult to find Adelaide
Cottages especially if a road name is not provided, as is often
the case with old censuses, registers and directories.
This list is intended to help with this
problem by noting where terraces, cottages, lodges and house
names from the Victorian era are (or were) to be found. Whilst
a good number have since been demolished, the streets usually
have survived, apart from the area of Ward Royal, built in 1969
and those roads that have changed name. These roads are noted