Windsor Then
and Now
A Pictorial Series
of Windsor Views from the past and present
Updated April
Lane - River Street
also known
variously as Bier Lane, Bear Lane, Beer Lane, Bereman Lane and
Bier Lane looking towards the
river and St Saviour Church
Bier Lane looking towards the
© National Monuments
With thanks to the National Monuments Record for permission to
reproduce the above photograph
The entrance to St Saviour's
Church 1876 - 1920, now relocated at the entrance to the playground
in Dedworth.
Entrance re-erected at Dedworth
Recreation Ground
Entrance gateway showing its
substantial construction
Houses in Red Lion Row, off Bier
Lane, demolished in 1926 to make way for River Street Car Park
River Street Car Park circa 1930
River Street Car Park was opened in 1928
following the clearance of the site under a slum clearance order.
The car park takes around 170 cars and the original cost
was £12,250 with the public conveniences constructed on
the eastern side. In 1950 four hot baths were installed in the
conveniences at a cost of £979.
River Street during the floods
of 1947
Floods of this severity were common in Victorian times so parts
of Bier Lane could have been flooded regularly, especially lower
down, nearer the river.
Also River Street, probably around
1945, looking up towards the castle, with tourists enjoying whelks
at a street sellers barrow.

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