Updated June 2006
Threat to 1930s Properties
in Clarence Road...
... Appeal
thrown out by Inspector, June 2004
but still they try... November 2004
... boarded-up the properties in February 2005
... demolished in May 2006
Update June 2006
Finally, and it really is a matter of "finally",
these five properties have been demolished. It seems a great
shame that the eyesore that is empty, boarded-up properties such
as these seem to go through the inevitable stages of sale to
developers, boarding up, fire and vandalism before the eye-sore
is finally demolished. It remains to be seen when and what will
be built in their stead, but here at the RWWS we are of the view
that high quality 1930s properties such as these deserve to be
protected as vigorously as older buildings. The alternative is
a street progressively filled with 3 and 4 storey blocks of flats.

A digger clears the site as the
five 1930s properties are finally demolished.
Update February 2005
It is with great sadness that we must report
that the five properties affected by this planning application
have now been sold by their previous owners. The homes are now
boarded up.
It remains to be seen if permission will eventually
be given for their demolition and redevelopment as it will mark
the end of an attractive, quality residential area.
There can't be many roads in the UK with
views such as this of the castle. But this one is now severely
under threat... so unnecessary.
We trust the Inspector will repeat his
refusal for development as he has done previously. The risk of
transformation from 'attractive 1930s residential' to 'dull as
ditch-water flats' must be opposed at all costs.
Update from November 2004
Incredibly, we hear that the developers
have put in yet another application to demolish this area of
quality 1930s dwellings in order to build flats. What part of
'No' do these people not understand? The development is unwelcome
and entirely inappropriate for the area for a variety of reasons
not least that the plans were considered 'detrimental to the
character and amenity' of the area. We should be pleased that
the local authority, and the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister
have refused permission for this development as the 'domino effect'
of other similar applications would threaten the whole length
of Clarence Road.